Family Names of Atrisco Land Grant New Mexico

 History of New Mexico Land Grants

Nether Spanish dominion lands were given to citizens, not in fee, equally past the laws of England, merely by federal tenure. The title remained in the king and the subject took the rents and profits, while on forfeiture all passed to the sovereign. After the defection of United mexican states, the republic succeeded to the rights of the king of Spain. A change in the policy of the government followed. Lands were granted to individuals for themselves and for the establishment of colonies. Individual grants were limited in amount, by and large to less than eleven leagues, dependent upon the purposes for which the grants were made. Grants to towns and settlements were more than extensive, and consisted of farming or irrigable lands, which were parceled out to individuals, and pasture lands, or vegas, which were held in common, and which no person was permitted to appropriate to his private use. Such lands were generally situated autonomously from irrigable lands.

These town grants were practical for by several individuals, request of the local state regime the privilege of establishing a colony. If the petition was favorably received and granted, an order was issued by the governor placing the petitioners in possession of the country. The petitioners then divided the lands among themselves, and fabricated a record of their doings, and the possessors held the country from thence forrad in fee simple. By the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, May 26, 1848, under which New United mexican states was acquired, the rights of holders of country were preserved unbroken, the The states being bound to recognize such rights so that i holding under a Mexican title should have correct to a like relation to the U.s.a..

In society to brand this beneficent provision of the treaty available to the holders of Mexican titles, on July 22, 1854, Congress passed what is known as the surveyor-general's act, providing that people challenge titles to public lands might go before the surveyor-general of New Mexico, prove their titles, and he should written report to the commissioner of the general state role, that official to the secretary of the interior, and the secretary of the interior finally to Congress, Congress reserving the right in itself to finally say whether those lands should be patented or non. Interested people went down into New Mexico in the dues-railroad days, bought all of the best so-called claims, had the surveyor-full general approve them, submitted proper proofs, and the upshot was that they had them confirmed for vast principalities of land, bigger than it ever was intended they should have been.

The Maxwell country grant, embracing about 3 thousand foursquare miles, furnishes one of the most glaring examples of the injustice of this social club of things. Other grants, each having from half a meg to up of a million of acres of land, some of which is highly valuable for agricultural purposes, some abounding in mineral or timber wealth, passed in this manner into the hands of corporations or associations of individuals. Titles were institute to be so insecure that, until the aligning of all grant claims past the United States Land Court, established in 1891, capital could non be induced to enter the Territory in whatsoever appreciable amount, aside from such capital letter as was invested in these grants.

New Mexico was oftentimes referred to in official Spanish documents as the "Kingdom of New Mexico," on account of the vastness of its territory, the variety of its topography and climate and the supposed richness of its natural resources. When information technology was surrendered to the The states past treaty the original province was still intact, except the portion east of the Rio Grande, which was claimed by the democracy of Texas, which a few years before had attained its independence. It also included southern Colorado and nearly all of Utah, Nevada and Arizona. Nevada became a state in 1864, Colorado in 1876, and Utah in 1896.

Past the Organic Act of 1850 the Usa government offered to pay to Texas the sum of x meg dollars for a relinquishment of her merits, which offer that country accepted. In later years the point has been raised that if information technology could be successfully maintained that we derive the true title from Texas and not from Mexico, then the belatedly Courtroom of Private State Claims was without jurisdiction to confirm or reject any private land claim inside the immense tract conveyed to us by Texas; for the jurisdiction of that court was expressly express to territory which we had derived from Mexico.

Governor Armijo successfully withstood the Texas invasion and his exaggerated triumph was greeted in the City of Mexico by the ringing of bells and the salutes of artillery, and in reward he was vested with honors and, as he claimed, with almost dictatorial powers in the disposition of the public lands in his department. Santa Iron and Albuquerque were never occupied by a civilized enemy until our civil war. Nevertheless, Texas did do jurisdiction inside the expanse of conflict. She made, for instance, a grant of the Table salt Lakes to the southeast of Estancia Springs, and Congress recognized that grant and confirmed it, while the Country Courtroom and the Supreme Court rejected the title to the same holding which Governor Armijo had assumed to confer on the Prefect Antonio Sandoval. The Supreme Court of the United States held, in i case, that the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo did non chronicle to property within the state of Texas. The republic of Texas had been recognized some time before by the United States, and past that act this government had conferred upon the people of Texas all the privileges which it was permitted by the constitution to grant. Texas, by an act passed December 19, 1836, defined the jurisdiction of that democracy to extend to the territory bounded as follows: Offset at the mouth of the Sabine river and running west forth the Gulf of United mexican states 3 leagues from country to the mouth of the Rio Grande, thence up the principal stream of said river to its source, thence due north to the twoscore-2d degree of north latitude, thence along the purlieus line as defined in the treaty of 1819 between the United States and Espana to the beginning.

By this act that republic authorized and required the president of Texas to open a negotiation with the government of the U.s. of America, so soon as in his opinion the public involvement might require it, to ascertain and define the boundary line every bit agreed upon in said treaty.

When Texas was admitted into the Union in 1845, in that location was no reservation every bit to the question of boundary except that regarding the true interpretation of the treaty with Spain. It was non until most the close of the Mexican war that complaint arose over the merits of Texas to the Rio Grande as her western boundary. When Full general Kearny became military machine governor of New United mexican states, his jurisdiction extended into portions of Colorado, Utah, Nevada and Arizona. The Kearny Code was operative throughout all this domain, excepting the region where the laws of Texas could prevail. With the passage of the organic act New United mexican states was relieved of the claim of Texas. By the Gadsden purchase of 1853, the United States paid to United mexican states fifteen million dollars for a keen tract lying south of the center line of the Gila River in Arizona and a gradually narrowing strip extending e in New Mexico to the Rio Grande, which was at once annexed to New Mexico.

Kingdom of spain, and later Mexico, always assumed a beneficent mental attitude to the poor, declaring her mountains, woods and pastures to exist free to the mutual use. It was this spirit which actuated the dwelling government in making such a large number of state grants to individuals or associations of individuals or communities.

Armendaris Land Grant Atrisco Land Grant Cañada De Cochiti Land Grant
Las Vegas Land Grant Mesilla Land Grant Maxwell Country Grants
Ortiz Mine Land Grant Preston Beck State Grant Ramirez Country Grant
Sebastian Martin Country Grant ... Sandoval (or Nolan) Land Grant

New Mexico State Grants | New Mexico Land Grant Names

Source: History of New Mexico, Its Resource and People, Volume I, Pacific States Publishing Co., 1907.

©New Mexico American History and Genealogy Projection 2011 - 2022
Created 1996 past Charles Barnum & 2016 past Judy White

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