Beast of Burden Chords Easy Beast of Burden Chords

Beast Of Burden chords

by The Rolling Stones

  • Beast Of Burden was written by Mick Jagger & Keith Richards - also known as Jagger/Richards - one of the most successful songwriting partnerships in the history of modern music.
  • Recorded: October 10 - December 21, 1977 and from Jan 5 to March 2, 1978.
  • Released: September 9, 1978
  • Album Some Girls
  • Music: Key of E Major in 4/4/ time at ~100 bpm (♩)
  • Chords: E, B/D#, C#m, A, B, E/G#, A/B
  • Guitar Tab for the Intro can be found below

Beast Of Burden by The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones
            Intro:            4/4            (This timing pattern and chords run throughout the song)            Timing: 1&2&3 &4     &     1&2&    3&4 &   1&2&3 &4    &      1&2&    3&4&            ||: E     B/D#  C#m  | C#m  -  A   B | E     B/D#  C#m  | C#m  -  A  :||            E               B/D#  C#m      A            1. I'll nev-er be your beast of bur-den            E            B/D#  C#m             A            My back is broad___   But it's a hurt-ing            E         B/D#      C#m          A    | E    B/D#  C#m  | C#m  -  A  |                        All I want  is for you to make love to me____            E               B/D#  C#m      A            2. I'll nev-er be your beast of bur-den            E                B/D#  C#m             A            I've walked for miles___ My feet are hurt-ing            E         B/D#      C#m          A    | E     B/D#  C#m  | C#m  -   A  |                        All I want  is for you to make love to me___            (Am I)            A                   E/G#            Chorus:            Am I hard e-nough___ Am I rough e-nough            A                  E/G#          A   B            Am I rich e-nough___ I'm not too blind to see            E               B/D#  C#m      A            3. I'll nev-er be your beast of bur-den            E            B/D#  C#m               A            So let's go home___   And draw the cur-tains            E               B/D#  C#m            Mu-sic on the ra-di-o___                          A               | E     B/D#  C#m  | C#m  -  A  |                        Come on ba-by make sweet love to me            (Am I)            A                   E/G#            Chorus:            Am I hard e-nough___ Am I rough e-nough            A                  E/G#          A   B            Am I rich e-nough___ I'm not too blind to see            B                E         B/D#     C#m                    A            **  Oh lit-tle sis-ter___Pret-ty, pret-ty, pret-ty, pret-ty, girl            1&2&3 &4     &     1&2&    3&4&   1&2&3 &4    &      1&2&    3&4&            | E     B/D#  C#m  | C#m  -  A    | E     B/D#  C#m  | C#m  -  A  |            1&2&3 &4     &     1&2&    3&4&            | E     B/D#  C#m  | C#m  -  A  |                                                            (You're a)            E                                  A            *** You're a pret-ty, pret-ty, pret-ty, pret-ty, pret-ty, pret-ty girl            E                        A            Pret-ty, pret-ty, Such a pret-ty, pret-ty, pretty girl            E              A               E            Come on ba-by please, please, please            A            E                B/D#  C#m          A            Spoken:            I'll tell ya___ You can put me out___    On the street            E           B/D#  C#m                A            Put me out___        With no shoes on my feet            E             B/D#   C#m                        Sung:            But, put me out, put me out___            A     E  | E   B/D#  C#m  | C#m  -  A  |            Put me out of mi-se-ry___                 Yeah            E            B/D#      C#m | C#m   -   A  |            All your sick-ness___ I can   suck it up            E               B/D#  C#m | C#m    -    A  |            Throw it all at me___ I can  shrug it off            E                         B/D#  C#m                 A            Bridge:            There's one thing ba-by that___      I don't un-der-stand            E          E/G#           A            You keep on tel-ling me I ain't your kind of man            E           B/D#  C#m            Ain't I rough e-nough___            A          E          B/D#  C#m            Oh! ain't I tough e-nough            A         E                   B/D#    C#m            Ain't I rich e-nough, in love e-nough            A       E   B/D#    C#m  |   A   |            Ooh Ooh___ Please            E                       A            Outro:            I'll nev-er be your beast of burden            E                       A            I'll nev-er be your beast of burden            E              B/D#            C#m              A            Nev-er, nev-er, nev-er, nev-er, nev-er, nev-er, nev-er be            |  E      B/D#  C#m  |  C#m  /  A   A/B  |            (be)            E                       A            I'll nev-er be your beast of burden            E                             A            I've walked for miles and my feet are hurt-ing            E       B/D#    C#m          A            All I want is you to make love to me            |  E      B/D#  C#m  |  C#m  /  A   A/B  |            (me)            E                    A            I won't need no beast of burden            E                     A            I need no fussing___ I need no nurs-ing            E              B/D#            C#m              A            Nev-er, nev-er, nev-er, nev-er, nev-er, nev-er, nev-er be            |  E      B/D#  C#m  |  C#m  /  A   A/B  |            (be)                          ...(repeat to fade)                      

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Please Note

If you find some of these chord changes a little difficult, you can play the alternative chords below. This may be useful for beginner guitarists... simply avoid the leading bass note after ther forward slash and play the major chord instead. You will notice the guitar tab intro uses a B chord instead of B/D#. If you find it difficult to play the bass notes with the chords simply play the chord itself like so:

  • Replace: B/D# with B
  • Replace: E/G# with E
  • Replace: A/B with A
  • Replace: E/G# with E

Chord Charts 🗝 C Major

Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords on frets & strings
White Numbered Circles: Optional Notes / player preference only
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open X: Don't play string B: Bass Note

Right Handed Charts:

Left Handed Charts:

Guitar Tab - Beast Of Burden Intro

The full Guitar TAB is availabe at MusicNotes.Com

The Rolling Stones

x - play 'note' with heavy damping - percussive sound made by dampening the strings, in this case with your fretted hand as you are only dampening 3 notes - when played the strings make a 'deadened' sound... an excellent technique for this style of playing.


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