How Long Does a Cosco Car Seat Last

When Do Cosco Car Seats Expire

Do you have a Cosco car seat and you are wondering when it expires and why then you have come to the right article. Depending on the Cosco car seat model name will determine the location of the expiration date on the seat. In this article I am going to be discussing how to tell when your car seat is going to expire.

What do car seat expiration dates mean?

I know what you are thinking, do car seats really have an expiration date? I also know what else you are thinking, and no, the expiration date has nothing to do with the company wanting to earn more money. An expiration date on a car seat has a lot to do with child safety. Car seats do in fact have an expiration date just as foods, medicine, etc.

As car seats continue to be manufactured, they are becoming more durable. Keeping your car seat up to date is a good way to ensure that it is up to safety standards. In some states it is illegal to have your child ride in an expired car seat. The idea of having an expiration date just to give children maximum protection and safety when in a vehicle.

Now you are probably thinking that when you go shopping for a new car seat that the expiration date is going to play a huge role. It is always best to purchase the newest model of a car seat rather than a used one. There is no saying to how soon a used car seat is going to expire or in some cases if they already are. At some point you are going to have to sit and think if price or safety matters more. Think of the car seat as an investment just as any other. Except this is an investment for your child safety. If your current car seat is expired and your child is still young, you should get a new one.

Why Do Car Seats Expire?

If you have been using the same car seat for several years, I would imagine that there has been some wear and tear. A lot of the time There are recalls on car seats and so it is always important to ensure that your car seat is up to date with your state's newest standards. Through time car seats have been elevated and they have improved the standards. Safety tests have been taken to different extremes. The world is taking new precautions and as a parent or soon to be parent so should you.

I know car seats can be expensive, but it is important to know that they cannot be used forever. The government has required there to be an expiration date on car seats in all states in the US. Technology is continuing to improve, and designs and models of car seats are working to enhance safety. In older car seat for example, say it looks like it is in great condition, but the truth is it is unlikely to have the most recent life-saving technologies.

Car seats do not come with extra parts, so when one goes missing there is no replacement. Expiration dates are meant to ensure that the car seat you were using is not missing any important updates. It is also extremely important to stay up to date on the company's newest innovations and to check if there have been any recent recalls. Through time it is always possible that your car seat could be involved in an accident and is now rendered as unsafe. When a car seat is damaged it is possible for it to be repaired professionally, but if there is any damage to the car seat and you still continue to use it is highly unsafe for your child.

Another reason for expiration is the wear and tear of the materials. Since car seats sit in a car for most of the day, a lot of them are highly exposed to high temperatures that can cause the seatbelt to become sort of elastic. This can be extremely dangerous in the case of a car accident, as it will work less in a child's favor among impact.

Cosco expiration dates and where to find expiration dates on Cosco Car Seat?

Car seat expiration Dates are not based off when you bought the car seat but on the date in which it was manufactured. Currently if the Cosco Pronto! Booster Car Seat was manufactured for December 14, 2013 then the expiration date is 6 years. If the car seat was manufactured after December 14, 2013 then the expiration date is 8 years.


expiration date

The Cosco Topside Booster

if manufactured before and after December 14, 2013 then it expires in 6 years.

The APT 50

if manufactured for December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 6 years and if it was after December 14, 2013 the expiration is 10 years.

The Scenera Next DLX

if manufactured before December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 6 years and if manufactured after December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 10 years.

The Scenera Next

if manufactured before December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 6 years and if manufactured after December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 8 years.

The Easy Elite 3-in-1

if manufactured before December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 8 years and if manufactured after December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 10 years.

The Light 'N Comfy DX

if manufactured before December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 6 years and if manufactured after December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 8 years.

The Light 'N Comfy LX

If manufactured before December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 6 years and if manufactured after December 14, 2013 the expiration date is 8 years.

Expiration dates tend to range between 6 to 10 years  depending on the model. Overtime car seats can become compromised in ways that are not visible to the eye. You can always do more research to see if your car seat is up to today's standards or if you need an upgrade. If your child's car seat has expired, then the safest outcome would be to purchase a new car seat.

All car seats have stickers that indicate the date of manufacture. The sticker should either be on the back of the seat or underneath it on the bottom.

What to do with your Cosco Car Seat when it expires?

So now you bought a new car seat and now the problem that you are facing is how to get rid of your old one. A lot of people choose to throw them away and if you choose to do that it is best to dismantle them completely. This is to prevent people from taking them and using them inside of their own vehicles. If you do not want to throw away the used car seat, here are some other suggestions:

  • Donate the used car seat
  • Buy another Cosco Car Seat
  • Gift to a friend or family member
  • Look for trade-in programs
  • Reuse if it is still in good condition
  • Recycle it

The reason for car seats expiring a certain amount of years after manufacture is to ensure that people are getting the safest car seat for their children. It is completely normal for people to assume that an expiration date is a ploy for companies to collect more money from, but in this case, it is in general for cards to your child safety.

Depending on whether or not your expired car seat is usable all comes down to the wear and tear and the new technology that has been introduced to the industry. Even if you assume that your child's car seat is completely safe it does not hurt to check the car seat's expiration date as it is essential for you and your child safety.

Car seats go on recall often and manufacturers do this for a good reason. Safety tests are improving and so are the designs and models of new and upcoming car seats. Once the model of a car seat expires it is no longer put up for safety testing. This goes to show how uncertain the car seat will be if it were to indulge in an accident.

How Long Does a Cosco Car Seat Last


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